I foolishly decided to click the Activate link, which left me with an active protection domain at both my sites. Replication from Prod to DR immediately stopped working. I expected a Deactivate link to appear in Prism, but it did not. OK, I'm sure there is a way to issue a deactivate command via ncli, right? Well, not exactly.
ncli> protection-domain
add create remove rm list ls
activate rollback-pd migrate list-snapshots ls-snaps add-minutely-schedule
add-hourly-schedule add-daily-schedule add-weekly-schedule add-monthly-schedule remove-from-schedules clear-schedules
ls-schedules set-retention-policy clear-retention-policy ls-pending-one-time-snapshots add-one-time-snapshot create-one-time-snapshot
rm-one-time-schedules restore-snapshot protect unprotect rm-snap rm-snapshot
list-replication-status ls-repl-status retain-snap retain-snapshot pause-repl pause-replication
resume-repl resume-replication abort-repl abort-replication ls-pending-actions metro-avail-enable
metro-avail-disable promote-to-active
There is an 'activate' command, but no 'deactivate' command. So how do I get rid of this thing? I searched high and low, including the Nutanix Bible, but I couldn't find a way to do it. A simple Nutanix support request later, and I was given this hidden command.
ncli pd deactivate_and_destroy_vms name=MSP-PD
Think about what you are doing before you issue this command. There is a reason it's not shown in ncli. The "_and_destroy_vms" portion of that command should give you a clue as to the potential impact. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK
As soon as I issued this command, I got a message back that said the PD was marked for removal. A few seconds later, my protection domain was again shown as inactive in Prism, and the replication jobs from my Production site started working again.
I should note that even though the command seems to indicate that it's going to destroy data, all of my snapshots at the remote site were still intact, so subsequent replications were not full replications.