Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Fun with Nutanix SRA

I was fortunate to get my hands on a pair of Nutanix blocks so that I can test Protection Domains with VMware Site Recovery Manager. Never one to RTFM, I went head first into installing my SRM servers and the Nutanix SRA shortly after configuring a Nutanix remote site and Protection Domain. It wasn't until I started getting error messages in SRM that I finally decided to consult the documentation.

I was a bit annoyed that I had to go into ncli in order to protect the vstore, when I had already gone ahead and created a protection domain and remote site with all the container info already. So as soon as I initiated the ncli vstore protect command, I realized that I really didn't want to have every VM in that container replicating. So I can just issue an ncli vstore unprotect command, right? Wrong.

ncli> vstore unprotect name=MSPNFS
Error: Error while unprotecting vStore having id 9868120: MarkPdForRemoval command not inited.

What the heck does that mean? Command not 'inited'? Google came up way empty on that one.

Turns out you can simply whack the auto-created protection domain using the following ncli command:

ncli> protection-domain remove name=MSPNFS_1420656211839
Protection domain MSPNFS_1420656211839 has been successfully marked for removal

A few seconds later, my auto-created protection domain disappeared from Prism, and ncli vstore list showed my container was no longer protected.

Now I need to configure a separate container for this so I can move VMs in and out as needed for SRM. 

More to come.

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